Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Korea 2005 # 4


Thank you for continuing to pray for this ministry. Daily I see evidence of God's direction and blessing. I spoke to an English "learning" pastors meeting on Monday. They meet in a home of a pastor, Holyfield, who also serves as one of my primary interpreters. We had "American style" pizza ( believe me....most of you would be surprised what these creative Koreans put on pizza). I shared my heart for North Korea and one of the women began to cry, as her brother (from South Korea) is in the North (for reasons I don't quite understand). I spoke of God's love for her and her family....it was wonderful.

I traveled to the city of Ansun....north of Seoul for 2 days at Calvary Church. This wonderful group meets in a 3 story building complete with housing and large kitchen as they are called to serve the poor of the city. Currently they house some 40 people. I woke up at 5 am to the sound of worship...as they all meet in their traditional style early morning pray meeting. Good alarm clock!

Today I travel to Deajeon....to see what has become our second family....Sarah, Sam, Sungkwan and Mrs. Ahn...founders of the Foursquare Church here in Korea.

Bless you....and will share a bit more later. Again...thank you for praying!
