Saturday, November 26, 2005


Tonight concludes an amazing three days of renewed friendships with the church in Deajeon. I spoke to this Foursquare flagship church in Korea on Wed. evening on the richness of spiritual inheritance. I referred and acknowledged Sister in her 80's... who has not lost her fire for the Holy Spirit's move in this ministry she began over 50 years ago. Sam, now the Sr. Pastor, interpreted for me, and I acknowledged the wealth of investment in the Kingdom....the "great cloud of witnesses" we know have laid a spiritual foundation. Their ceiling has become our floorThese folks have truly been family, and Jean Darnall (another honored pioneer in the faith) together with Carlene and I, will visit again in February for an annual national pastors conference. Sam Ahn feels this gathering is pivotal for their fellowship, and in some ways, I feel I may have been part of an advance team in preparation for February. (I even went to the famous early morning prayer meeting!)

I spoke with a class of international students at Asia Life University, the school associated with this movement. Students represented India, China, Nepal, Taiwan, and other countries. I asked all of them to share what they feel the most important thing God is doing in the earth today...and assured them there was no "wrong" answer. Many responded with....evangelism, grace, worship, etc...all good things. I shared that what the Holy Spirit has been teaching many of the fact He is wooing His Bride. The revelation of the Love of Jesus for us is beginning to affect every aspect of life.

Tonight was the Friday evening prayer gathering, and once again I felt the Lord has a special destiny and grace for prayer that He has bestowed on these beautiful people.

Thank you for sleeping well...except missing Carlene!!! Have experienced much laughter...grace...provision....blessing...and sense His Hand in the slightest detail. As I have been often asked to pray for many...the Lord continues to give specific words of encouragement and when He does that.

Getting ready to see home....and people here can NOT understand why Americans eat turkey (the bird is not eaten here), and I have refrained from the smart reply observing what I've seen put before me in restaurants...but, I held my tongue. Nevertheless, I'm ready for Thanksgiving, albeit 5 days late!
