Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Friends of Friends of Friends

I'm often asked what are the values or convictions which are a part of the company of friends we meet. I like one definition of the church the best: simply....friends of friends of friends.

Here is Gary Goodell's list of values...I like them...I identify with them, and thought I'd include it fo your reference.

Our Persuasions

1) We believe that the God of the Bible is wild and free, safe but not tame, unfathomable, uncontainable, and unpredictable, and yet able to be known intimately. 2) We believe that conversion is the consummate God-encounter, and that divine encounters and Holy Spirit sightings are an ongoing part of a person’s spiritual journey. 3) We believe in the full vesting and gifting of God’s people by the Holy Spirit, and that all the gifts of the Spirit are for today and are to be eagerly desired and used by faith. 4) We believe in the priesthood of all believers, and that every believer is called to do the work of the ministry as part of the body of Christ. 5) We believe “that permission has been granted to do church differently in the 21st Century,” and commit to helping believers to "be the church" wherever they go. 6) We believe that radical worship is a lifestyle, and is to be extravagant in its many expressions. 7) We believe that love, servanthood and generosity define all aspects of church life. 8) We believe the central theme of the New Testament, both taught and demonstrated by Jesus, is the message of the Kingdom of God. 9) We believe that the Regional Church is in fact a series or network of smaller Simple Churches that can gather within the given locale for worship and equipping.

Our Practices

1) The simpler the structure, the better.2) When we gather, it should be fun as much as it is important. 3) Our worship gatherings are for God, not for us, or the people we are trying to attract. 4) We endeavor to model a fail-safe environment that gives room for people to make mistakes as they grow in the things of the Spirit. And that the flow of the Spirit often is as messy and unpredictable as it is powerful. 5) We embrace children and youth as part of the believing community, and include them in our gatherings as fellow worshipers and ministers. 6) We believe that the Local Church does not “do” small groups, but that the Local Church “is” a small group where everyone participates.7) We are called to discern the times and seasons, and catch how to minister "in the moment." 8) We understand the "changing of the guard" in this current move of the Spirit, and that true apostolic fathers and mothers are noted by their cry that their sons and daughters will overtake them.9) We recognize that the more we pursue God as a prophetic people; the less our lives will be explainable.
