Friday, February 15, 2008

February 2008 Korea Podcasts

Timothy and Rachel Dr. Kim and his wife, Ex-Mayor of Seoul

The "Joseph Word"

Famous TV Actress


I want to once again thank you for praying for my assignment in Korea these past 10 days. Following is my final's a bit longer (15 min) but you'll understand the significance of these pictures as I joined other intecessors and worshippers at Seoul's ancient city "gate", which burned several weeks ago....Click for an Amazing Story

Bless you all....and please pray for these last few days of meetings with pastors, leaders, and


(Check out other podcasts and images are on

Burned City Gate

Confucius Official "Mourner"

Messages on the Gate

Prophesying at the Korean "White House"

Crab for sale on city street

Preaching in Dr Chos' (largest Church in the world)
original building....all night Prayer meeting

Starbucks in Seoul 2.22.08

Pastor Kim and his wife

Can you make out wonderful Korean translation?

Pizza....Korean Style with mayonnaise, corn, crab, bacon, french fries, and pine nuts.

Saturday 1.16.08 Arrival and Brief Overview
Sunday 1.17.08 Harvest Bible School and Grace Church...a walk in the early morning!

Tuesday, 2.19.08 Bullet Train to Gumi

Wednesday, 2.20.08 Gumi City