A woman is lying on a bed in bridal clothes, in a bedroom in a house. She is exhausted, feels defeated, and that she is incapable of doing anything. Out in the house, kids are roaming around hungry. More kids are coming in, and they are mostly kids she doesn’t want in her house. She doesn’t like them. They have reputations for being troublemakers, misfits and oddballs, and barely have homes of their own, if any at all. They are coming because they need mothers and fathers. Most can’t yet admit that they can’t “make it” on their own, but they know in their spirit that they need something. Her own kids keep bringing these kids into the house, and she is overwhelmed.
Jesus enters through the door to her room. He grabs her by the arms, lifting and shaking her. He begins to speak to her. “Get up; I have a new paradox at work. I’ve called you to rest in the spirit, but in the natural, it’s time to get up and do the housework. These kids are my kids, and they are coming hungry. My spirit will feed them through your body. They have gone through your cupboards and are crying, “We keep looking and find nothing to eat.” There is abundant food to eat that I have prepared. You get up and serve, and you will be fed in feeding. These kids are poor in spirit. You speak to the treasure and potential I’ve placed in them. Their spirit will align with mine as a compass needle to magnetic north. My light is the attraction; just point them in my direction. This is the Kingdom season. You are more than conquerors for the Kingdom. Go out with a new provision of my favor.