Thursday, March 06, 2008

Dear Friends on the Journey...

Most of us would agree the "journey" is more important than the "destination". In our pilgrimage, Carlene and I have discovered treasures in the informal personal relationships of fellow pilgrims "on the way." Some of our paths have crossed briefly, others have had the luxury of more than a few hours. We celebrate the way the Holy Spirit is "knitting" our paths together....much like a beautiful pattern, a kind of divinely creative mosaic.

I love the story in Luke 24 of Jesus intersects two pilgrims on the way to Emmaus:

...beginning with Moses and all the Prophets, he explained to them what was said in all the Scriptures concerning himself....When he was at the table with them, he took bread, gave thanks, broke it and began to give it to them. Then their eyes were opened and they recognized him, and he disappeared from their sight. They asked each other, "Were not our hearts burning within us while he talked with us on the road and opened the Scriptures to us?"

Suddenly, in the process of the journey, their eyes were opened and they received Revelation of the Living Word. The two "on the way" were forever changed in this encounter.

I sometimes wonder about how effective our Western-style, left brain teaching is really impacting others...whether our life methods are "opening eyes" or just adding more information.

I've always been more attracted to the lab rather than the theory. Last week I was at an alternative high favorite environment because this is where Jesus would most likely recruit His disciples. The teacher I was substituting for had posted a sign in the class...and I took a picture of it:

As you can deduct, it is a chart depicting how we learn...really learn. Most of our educational systems are based on a Greek sermon-style or linear, and cognitive style of learning. Our "group attempts " (home church, Bible study, etc) are, at best, 50% effective. But, when we " we encounter, remember and are changed.

I'm afraid in our culture of text messaging, email, voice mail, media saturation, etc., we have lost the art of true dialogue.....actually conversing and listening to each other. We experienced this when our son Matthew was unable to use the phone or email during the 12 weeks when he was in Marine boot camp. Instead, the few letters we received were wept and prayed over. His letters became treasures.

Our monthly Worship at the River meetings are not "lecture-style" gatherings, but our desire is to encounter Jesus....much like the Emmas road travelers. Join us on the road this March 9th at 6pm in Troutdale. Join us!

We, who are called the "Church" are in transition. We are privileged to live in one of the most pivotal times in history. Never have I felt the need to in greater ways, support and pray for one other during this season. Please let us know how to pray for you. It is Carlene's and my desire to "knit" ourselves together for Kingdom purpose. We are Living Stones, placed together by the Master Builder. I love how the Building is shaping up.

On another note, Carlene and I are looking forward to several important events which, I believe, may set a course for the future for us. I am asking if you would listen and pray for specific events on our upcoming calender:

March 6-7

Worship in partnership with meetings with Plumbline Ministries. This
is our third trip to Vantage WA, this time I am teaching a One Day
Intensive on Saturday for worshippers as well as facilitating worship
and prayer before and after the Plumbline sessions.

March 22-April 5

During this second trip to Korea this year, (it seems as if I just got
home from the last one....wait a minute...I did) I will continue to
build relationships with churches, worship and intercession groups,
and YWAM training.

April 13-14

Meetings with Jim and Faith Chosa I believe First Nation leaders such as Jim and Faith are strategically positioned as Esther, with wisdom for such a time as this.

While in Korea this past month, I spent many hours prayer-walking the streets of Seoul. (you may still experience this as I documented this pictures and sound at Not only did it serve as my major exercise time, but these hours evolved into a kind of sanctuary experience....where I learned to listen deeply to what the Lord was speaking to me...just for that time and place. It is always difficult to "re-enter" the States. We are so preoccupied with effeciency, yet spend hours in the pursuit of mind-numbing entertainment. "Pray without ceasing"...and "being content in all things" were major themes during this trip, and yet I struggle to practice the same here, in familiar territory.

Bless you.....and see you at the River this Sunday, March 9th at 6pm.

Darrell and Carlene