I am going to post these comments that I received as well as the
prophetic picture from last night. I will try to remember as many
folks that were in attendance and you can see from the e-mail, who I
might have forgotten... please feel free to forward this on to
As I reflected on the evening... I believe it was one of the most
difficult yet one of the most treasured times of worship. I would
look forward to hearing from any of you regarding your thoughts and
These are great times, we are living in! Despite financial markets
crumbling and wars and rumors of wars... we serve a God who is greater
than any external pressure... and we like that eagle must be remained
on the wall.
Bless you, Darrell
Katy Petersen, age 10
The Lord's Throne Room
I saw the spirits of those worshiping ascend into heaven and play for
the Lord upon their instruments. The Lord looked on them and smiled
for He was pleased.
The instruments were made from precious stones and metals. They
played the music on the crystal floor in front of the Lord's throne.
(in our building--when she looked, the back wall was gone and the
doorway led upwards to the throne room)
From the Father through Delight
Step through the gate, though it be narrow
Listen and shed all that I require
I am pressing in on you, you cannot stay the same
You must become very aware of my voice,
for those who will be obedient are those who know me intimately.
In knowing me in intimacy, you won't be caught in the world,
but you will find you are in it, but not of it.
Those who are "of the world" will not survive to the end to rule and
reign with Me.
This is my song, I'll sing it now. The song of my life,and all that you do for me. There are many path's we've gone down,but all on solid ground. Mary Hubbard
This is a time to stop and be quiet,stop business-be quiet our Lord
God's power has given us everything we need for life and Godliness,through our knowing the onewhocalled us to His own glory and goodness. Ann
The Lord over us,you are my beauty. Lifting our hearts to Him. You are the one who satiates our every need. Freda