We are looking forward to our first baptism this Sunday, June 8th with baptism teaching beginning at 1pm and baptisms beginning approximately at 3pm. (by the way, we'll have a "somewhat warm" baptismal tank...as opposed to the literal Sandy River water temperature) In order to adequately plan for the afternoon, please call 503-515-2452 or send an email to victoryhouse@comcast.net if you'd like to attend and/or be baptized. Information is always posted at our Pacificministries Blog. We'll host our monthly Worship at the River at our regular 6pm time.
Most of you are aware of the Florida meetings with Todd Bentley. Todd is most assuredly an unconventional figure to most of the evangelical community. In 2000, Carlene and I and several leaders in Pacificministries attended a conference in Grant's Pass Oregon where Todd was one of many speakers. Those 3 days were pivotal in our current understanding of much of what God is doing around the world. Later, Todd came to Gresham and we held an "unconventional" meeting in a pizza parlor....and, over a New York style Canadian Bacon Garlic Pizza pie, Todd spoke a very accurate and confirming prophetic word over Carlene and I.
Rick Joyner has been a balanced and consistent voice for many. His recent series on revival has been very encouraging to those of us meeting in smaller groups. I've taken the liberty to highlight portions of his latest article, (find a link to the entire article at the end). I found it encouraging.
We bless you in this season of God's small beginnings!
Darrell and Carlene
Couldn't resist sharing the latest pictures of our grandson, Calvin:
Morningstar Article
- I have been receiving communications from around the United States and Europe that are all reporting the same thing—they are seeing healings and miracles on a level like they have never seen before. This is a time of a great visitation of God to His people.
- The Lord is the same today as He was then. His name is not "I was," or "I will be," but "I AM." The same Holy Spirit that was present with the church in the Book of Acts is present with us today.
- Miracles do encourage people. God is moving again, and many things are now being done among us that are beyond human ability—they can only be attributed to God. Truth is also encouraging, and the same Spirit who does these works among us is also the Spirit of Truth, and He is about to pour out a great love for truth on His people....a generation is about to take their place that has not believed the evil report, the report of the ten evil spies. They have aligned themselves with the faithful report of Joshua and Caleb, that the taking of the inheritance has nothing to do with how big the giants are or how small we are but on how great our God is. They are now lining up on the banks of the Jordan River, ready to cross over and take their inheritance.
- Wisdom is basically the proper combination of knowledge with experience. However, both the knowledge and the experience of the emerging generation are going to be different from past generations. Many in my generation believed that the Lord was still healing and doing miracles today, they just rarely saw them.
- Disappointment is not nearly as bad as not believing. Start promoting faith, and start expecting miracles. The experience of the coming generation will not be the same as the last. It is always true wisdom to believe God.
- There is a difference between human energy, excitement, and faith that is sometimes hard to distinguish. True faith is often accompanied by excitement and always with expectation, but they are not always the same and are often confused. True faith can be quiet, even reserved. True excitement can also be very quiet and reserved.
- In the Scriptures, we see that Jesus usually did His greatest miracles, such as walking on the water, when there were just a few present.
- After the Lord did many of His great miracles, many had their hearts even more hardened, persecuting Him even more vehemently because of the works that He did. They were so hard-hearted that after He raised the dead, they even resolved to kill Him. Greater miracles and faith usually result in more persecution, not more people coming to faith in Jesus.
- True evangelism is not dependent on miracles, but on the Holy Spirit to convict of sin and the desperate need we have for the atonement of the cross.
- God heals because He loves people, and He does not like for them to suffer. He does miracles because we need them. This is why compassion is so crucial for a true healing ministry.
- The more obedient we become, the more power we can be trusted with.
- The churches that experience the most healings and miracles are likewise usually those that provide an atmosphere of faith and expectation, and the faith and expectation is directed to the Lord rather than the church or healing ministries. This could be summed up as learning to be a good host for the Holy Spirit.
- ...we must know Jesus as our Healer. We should be thankful for human medicine and remedies, which the Lord gave the wisdom and skills to develop. However, we should pursue having a healing ministry in the body of Christ that is so powerful and dependable that His people will not need hospitals or human remedies.
- ...the smallest meetings have tended to be the most powerful, which have been so pronounced that we start getting more excited when we see that it is going to be a smaller crowd in a meeting. Do not despise small meetings! Keep in mind that the Lord did His greatest miracles in small groups.
Click for Rick Joyner's entire article