A Note from Kelly.....
Hi Everybody!!!
And so, the next chapter opens with a girl on her knees crying out to her God for grace to stand and grace to weep. What else can be done? Is there an ocean large enough to hold all the tears to be shed? It is God alone that can annul the covenant that we have made with death. It is He alone that can break the curse over our land.
Some of you know me well; some have walked with me during deep seasons of pain, while others have known me from a distance. Regardless of time, distance, or lack of knowledge, we are bound together in the spirit by our love for the Father and for His Son, the fellowship of His Spirit being our link to one another.
Many of you know the journey that I’ve been on as I have struggled to remain in the love of God and abandon myself into the mystery of His sovereignty, even while wrestling with the reason why He was allowing sickness to ravage my body. Your presence while I struggled was a great comfort to me and gave me courage to lean more fiercely into the Father’s heart and for that I am indebted to you forever.
The season for me is beginning to change. I have been severely restrained for the past few years from any kind of travel, many times even outside of my own house, but this restraint has been a tool that has taught me what it means to be content with my portion for the season I find myself in, of which I am still learning. I pray that I have not despised this gift but have used it to dig deeper into the wells of salvation, building a refuge that will remain unmoved when the storms of life come to try the strength of the structure we have built.
As many of you know the Justice Tour’s final stop is in Jackson, MS from Sept. 11th-Sept. 16th. Mississippi is a state with only 1 active abortion clinic within it’s borders. There were as many as 7 open at one time, but the governmental leadership, made up of mostly born-again Christians, have placed such stringent restrictions on them, it has made operations in that state very difficult, thus there is 1 left standing.
What is the Justice Tour? The Justice Tour is a stand the body of Christ across our nation is taking against this culture of death that is pursuing our generation. It is a silent cry raised on behalf of those without voices, being heard in the court of heaven. We will stand with red tape across our mouths with the word LIFE written on it, our hearts pleading for the blood of Jesus to wash and cleanse this land, pleading for the end of the death of the innocent in our nation. All across the nation, as the team stood in specific locations in the different cities they visited, they saw incredible signs that this is the hour to stand for LIFE, to awaken from our slumber and truly hear the heartbeat of our Father.
So, a team from Portland will be going on the 11th. I am 1 among the number of nameless and faceless ones. If God would have you pray for this event and for the team that is going to stand, please listen to the whispers of the Spirit as He is leading. I personally have some specific things that I would surely covet your prayers for.
- Grace for traveling. I have not traveled far from home in almost 3 years, and I’m a bit nervous…to say the least. The last time I traveled was not a good experience which is why I’m a little nervous. I’ll be honest and say that I was sick when I left to leave and the condition only worsened as the trip progressed. When I arrived back home I spent a long time recovering.
- Grace to stand. We will be standing for 5 hours a day in hot and humid
conditions. Even in shorts, the weather itself will be enough to make the stand
difficult. Please pray that the Lord will be merciful to us and give us strength
when we are feeling weak, even to the point of changing the weather for us… I
know He is fully able.
- Grace to weep. In this hour of history, there is a clear call for the professional
weepers to arise and let their eyes run down like rivers. May our stand be one
full of tears as our hearts are impacted by the breaking heart of the Father. I
don’t want to be distant from his heart anymore, regardless of the pain that it
causes me to feel within. Is it not worth it to know what the Father is feeling and
be able to somehow comfort Him in this season by joining our tears with His?
I would also ask that the Father, in taking me into this next chapter, would release to me an increased level of wholeness and fullness in Him. He truly is my Ebenezer stone…My rock of Remembrance… He has delivered me in the past. He is delivering me now. He will deliver me in the future. I can trust His heart for His thoughts toward me are good.
In His Arms,
Kelly Hahn