Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
60th Celebration
February 11th, 2008 marks the 60th Anniversary of the Latter Rain Revival that was sparked in North Battleford, Saskatchewan, Canada. This movement quickly circled the globe and its influence is ongoing in several streams of the Pentecostal/Charismatic Movement.
We are planning a celebration of this anniversary at St. Luke’s, Seattle –
Sunday February 10th (7 PM) – Celebration Service with Jim & Marie Watt
24 Hour Prayer Vigil (7 PM Sunday to 7 PM Monday) in St. Luke’s Original Chapel (where the Charismatic Renewal was brokered with Fr. Dennis Bennett)
Monday February 11th (7 PM) - Celebration Service with Jim & Marie Watt
Seven elders gave oversight to the first Camp Meetings in July 1948 in North Battleford, Saskatchewan. Jim Watt is the last living elder from that original group!
To commemorate this historic event, I had the privilege of interviewing Jim and Marie Watt for two days in their home in Federal Way, WA. These interviews have been edited onto three DVD’s – a total of 5 hours!
The themes include (30 min. video segments each) –
A Chronology of the Latter Rain Revival
Positive Impact of the Latter Rain Revival
Negatives of the Latter Rain Revival
9 Renewal Streams that Emerged from the Latter Rain Revival
The Presbytery – Its function and practical issues
Five-Fold Ministry (Ephesians 4:11ff.)
Jim Watt’s Reflections on the Latter Rain Revival & Testimony
Marie Watt’s Reflections on the July and Fall ’48 Vancouver, BC Meetings
Added Footage –
Jim and Marie’s Ministry Biography
Two Are Better Than One Ministry
It was a great privilege to interview these dear saints. Their insights were profound! The DVD’s are on sale through Norlynn Audio Visual Services, Vancouver, BC – go to: - for $30.00 (UDA or CAN) plus $5.00 (UDA or Can) shipping and handling fees. However, you may receive a discount as “my friend” by inserting the code “JR01” With this discount code, you may purchase a DVD set for $25.00 (USD or CAN) INCLUDING S & H. There are also discounts available for larger orders - please see the website!
This is a Pre-Publication, Pre-60th Anniversary special. Plans are set to add a study guide on the website to assist those who want to use the DVD’s for small group discussion. You will also find a growing number of endorsements online as well, recommending this resource as a blessing to the Body of Christ.
Check it out and please share this information with your email contacts. Thank you! God Bless! -John+
Jesus, for so great a name, no praise is adequate!
The Rev'd. Dr. John Roddam,
St. Luke's Episcopal Church,
5710 - 22nd Avenue Northwest,
Seattle, WA 98107.
(206) 784-3119 (Office)
(206) 784-1029 (Fax)
Home Address: 724 N. 182nd Street,
Shoreline, WA 98133.
(206) 546-9812 (Residence)
(206) 356-3890 (John’s Cell)
E-Mail: (Personal Account) (Parish Account)
Web Page:
Sunday, January 13, 2008
We would like to invite you to 'Worship at the River' this Sunday evening at 6PM. We will be meeting in the Sam Cox building at the Glenn Otto Park located in Troutdale, OR off the Old Columbia Gorge Highway Road just before you cross the Sandy River.
When we first set out to meet at this park to worship Jesus, many people thought because of our name, Worship at the River, that we literally sat outside along the river in lawn chairs to sing our songs of praise to Jesus. Little did we know after hearing Marjorie Baker's testimony, mother of Rolland Baker, her family and many campers attending the camp at our location in 1928 did indeed spend hours singing around campfires along the river's edge to celebrate the new found love they were experiencing in their hearts as the Holy Spirit revealed to each person His heart for them. We won't be outside though you are welcome to bring comfy lawn chairs into the warm building and we will be together seeking the Holy Spirit's guidance to worship our Savior Jesus Christ and our loving Heavenly Father.
I Corinthians 14:26 When we come together, everyone has a hymn, or a word of instruction, a revelation, a tongue or an interpretation. We (the church) will all be strengthened by believers showing respect for one another and for God as we exercise our spiritual gifts.
Remember...6PM Sunday January 12th. Come with your gifts to share.
Now for your viewing enjoyment we have included two pictures of our family reunion after Paul and Tyla's wedding. Darrell, Carlene, Nathaniel, Krista holding Calvin, Matt, Danielle, Tyla and Paul. Ron and Fern Dahlman in front.
Ron and Fern were so pleased to have us all (31 Dahlmans + other relatives on Carlene's side) under one roof for 5 days. If you live in Springdale, Corbett or Sandy, those loud bursts of fun in the wee hours of the night were coming from the Fireside Retreat Center. Oops! Soooorrrrreeeeey!
Can't wait to be together again. Sooooo much has happened since the last meeting in all our lives. How was your Christmas and New Year?
Darrell & Carlene
I believe it is almost unanimous among many in the church... that this year is a year of transition. Even the recent debates and political wranglers are using the word change... constantly. This season of transition has been prophesied by many respected leaders in the kingdom... many have described this year as the end and the beginning of something new. 2008 is definitely a year of new starts. This year will mark the seventh year since Carlene and I transitioned out of the larger church context into something different. I think this year is pivotal and very important for all of us.
I also think our meetings at the River are in transition. We met with our council last night and I want to give you a bit of an advance notice for what is coming up:
1. Worship at the River meetings have been wonderful gatherings of worship with the desire to discover what the Holy Spirit would desire to reveal. There have been times of intimacy, warfare, prophetic revelation, prayer, and building up of the body. This will continue. But during this year, it is our prayer that attendees will understand their own role and destiny in the larger picture of what God is doing in our region. We believe you are gatekeepers in your homes, businesses, your land, and your families. We sense that God is asking us to worship, develop relationships, and be more intentional in equipping these leaders.
2. Hence, our calendar will reflect many opportunities for smaller groups and larger conference type meetings designed for all of us to develop this. There will be smaller meetings in homes, discussion groups... many different expressions. This Sunday at the River, everyone will receive a calendar highlighting these local and informal meeting options. An example of this would be in February, where we will not meet on February 10, the normal second Sunday evening, instead we are planning on:
- February 6, a Wednesday evening at 7pm (place to be confirmed...hopefully at our regular Troutdale building) ..
- in preparation for a larger gathering the following in Seattle
Transforming Atmosphere with Soundswith Ray HughesFebruary 8-10, 2008 and finally, a - celebration and worship time commemorating the 40th anniversary of the Latter Rain Movement... who's last remaining leader is Jim Watt.... Sunday evening February 10, and Monday evening February 11 , at St Luke's in Seattle.
I know it may be difficult for many to come... but we do want to invite you to any or all of these activities.
3. We believe our once a month gatherings will transition into a celebration of what God is doing in your own "Metron"... your sphere of kingdom influence. We will always worship... that is both foundational and fundamental to who we are. But our River meetings will develop and expand into times of equipping, and celebration.
4. I admittedly am sometimes reluctant to talk in detail concerning what Carlene and I are doing, whether it be in the Northwest or overseas. As you know, several times a week I substitute in the public schools. At last count, I have been in 62 schools. Sometimes I wonder what this assignment is all about... but I'm beginning to increasingly recognize that each day I to step into a building with a different principle and administration or a classroom filled with kids, they are opportunities to discern and practice the art of ushering the presence of the Holy Spirit... in essence the kingdom. All of us have that assignment... and you practice that as well. We are strangers in a strange land... transitioning from what has been so familiar into something new. I believe there is a destiny and promised yet to be fulfilled in the Pacific Northwest. This Sunday evening, I'll share a bit of what I see ahead... in terms of connections with like-minded leaders in Seattle, Spokane, Vancouver, and Portland. This has something to do with a destiny of the Pacific Rim countries... which is why we have such a love and interest in Asia.
5. Last July, Bill Peterson attended a meeting of leaders... actually quite small, where Jim Hodges spoke. He is a prophetic and apostolic leader connected with Chuck Pierce and Dutch Sheets. At the end of the gathering, he spoke a prophetic word over the Northwest and Bill shared it with us. I immediately resonated with its import and significance to this region and to us. This Sunday evening, everyone at the River will receive a copy... but I wanted to give you an advance copy. This word is timely and may give us an understanding of our significance of what God wants to do in our Metron.
We bless you, and look forward to seeing you this Sunday evening... we will pray for Larry and Vicki Dietz, who leave for a ministry trip to India on January 15th.
Darrell and Carlene
Friday, January 11, 2008
Jim Hodges word for the NW July 13, 2007
Oregon City
We mark this Friday, July 13, 2007, to say that out of this region there is coming not only a remnant, but also an army. An army shall arise, it shall come, and it shall emerge. It shall step forth and minister the purposes of the Kingdom of God that transcend any and every religious agenda. We thank you for Washington and Oregon and California and New Mexico and Nevada.
We give it to you—these regions—we want to pave the way and build a platform that you could stand on in the coming weeks, months and even the next few years, in the name of the Lord.
Even the weather changes that have come in these days are simply natural indicators of spiritual shifting and spiritual change. Even the winds are blowing—not just El Nino, but the winds of God are blowing. It is a wind from Asia coming to western America. It is not just with Asians who have come to do business, but it is an anointing that they are bringing that they received early on—even from us as the gospel went westward. Now the gospel has encircled the globe and is coming back again. This western area, known for prototypes and movements in our culture shall become known as a place where the move of the Holy Spirit has been released upon the nation, which will sweep eastward.
The Lord is saying get ready for the convergence and the merging of regions and ministries. For the Lord says, I have given the technologies for enhanced communication so that there will be nothing in the darkness. Everything will be brought to the light and exposed, therefore you will shout it from the housetops and you will announce that the Kingdom of God is at hand.
As you announce the Davidic government of the Lord that is coming, the Davidic dancers shall dance. Intercessors shall pray, those that preach shall preach, those who prophesy shall prophecy and you will find each other in your diversity, graphically and even doctrinally. And you will find each other and the Lord will build something that is uniquely His. And no man shall spoil it.
Therefore, you will always be able to test the spirit, to discern the spirit, to distinguish error from truth and the truth from error. And you will walk in the spirit of truth and in the truth of the Word.
For a people here who are hungry, the Lord says I will not be mocked, I will feed them. I will not be mocked, I will pour out upon them. I will not withhold from them. But because their cry has come up before me, the cries that have come up on the basis of my covenant with them, I find your cries irresistible.
Therefore I say, continue the cry. Even as a woman brings forth a man-child she cried out a cry of desperation concerning the birth of the man-child, but then the Lord says the cry changed from desperation to declaration.
Therefore, the Lord says, in this region I am ready to shift now. The desperate cry shall still come, but it will transition into declaration. Therefore you will get ready in these next 18 months to get your declarations defined, to get them published, to get them announced, prayed over and washed in the word. You will find the declarations begin to come to even amaze the atmosphere and the economy and even the governmental structures of this region. For the Lord says, I have spotted this place. It is like Rome of old. I came to a dark, pagan system and brought the light of my gospel, through my Son and it conquered even the Roman world of Europe.
The Lord says, even now, I am coming to this area of darkness, this area of apathy, this area of complacency—this area where the walls are up. Out of this darkness and desperation I am going to bring forth the kingdom of Light. I am going to bring forth my purpose. I am going to bring forth my people. Therefore the seeds you have sown are growing.
You are not to entertain the thought that your God is not answering you. For the Lord is answering you, expanding you, enhancing you, because you were faithful to carry the seed. You will know this in the next 18months, for the very atmosphere is changing and shall increasingly and incrementally change, as you are faithful to pursue the mission I have laid before you.
Therefore rejoice, rejoice, and rejoice, the wine is being released again. But this time, it shall not be wasted. This time it shall not be wasted apostolically or prophetically. It will not be wasted in intercession. It shall be brought into the new wineskin. It shall be able to be carried from place to place. For my church is not in one place. It is like the wineskin on your shoulder where you take it and say “take a drink sir from the wineskin of the Holy Ghost. “ Rejoice even this night that the wine that you have been desiring so greatly is being poured out, says the Lord.
Know that even out of this wine flow will come new ministries and new anointing—and a quickening of those who once walked in anointing and no longer do. The Lord says, I have not forgotten them. These bones can live. I am bringing my wind. I am bringing my wine. Get ready for the release in this area.