Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Feedback from the River

As we worship I listened to the voice of the Holy Spirit, this is what he told me;

“It is your heart that I desire, your love that pours out from within.  Step in, step into the river of my love, let that river that is from within you pour out.  Let it pour out for within you, pour out from your heart one to another, pour out from your heart to mine.  I long for your heart to be solely mine.  I long for your gaze to be upon my face.  Seek me and you shall find me.  Seek after my heart and it will be made known to you.  It is you that I desire.  It is your heart that I long for.  Seek me with all that you are and I will make myself known to you.”

I sensed a shift in the spirit and I heard; “A change of tide.  A change is coming.  Shift into the new position.  Shift gears, make room for the new.  Change your perspective.  Change your mind.  A shift of my spirit is coming, get ready!  Get ready for the new to come!  Get ready!  Make way!”


Was awesome worship tonight!!  I am excited to see what is coming our way!!!!

Hi, It just seemed more anointed then ever, so touching, must have really touched the Fathers heart
I always enjoy our times in Troutdale but tonight was special. I had a class from 4 to 6 pm clear over on the west side so of course I arrived late. As I walked toward the Sam Cox building the music filled the outside air with "I will give You all my worship, I will give You all my praise; You alone I long to worship..." It was beautiful.

For the testimonies I shared
"I praise God because He is transforming me by His Word and His Spirit and I will behold the day of His power."

For the response of our hearts to God's word to prepare for change:
I feel God is asking us to lay down the weights that so easily beset us. The weights are different for each of us; mine is stuff and paper. As we let go of all that is unnecessary in our lives we can run unhindered by the weights. We can be available for what God has for us. We can see His path and His plans without the clutter of all those extra things. We can move more easily.

The radicals on the other end of the line live and breathe and eat and sleep their cause. It is uppermost in their minds and lives. They train and prepare for their "mission" every day. They have let go of all that is not necessary for their immediate purpose.

And God has more for me to do than to mend and iron and polish my things. He has territory for us to take. He has much higher Kingdom purposes and assignments for us as we run with patience the race that is set before us, looking unto Jesus, the Author and Finisher of our faith.