Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Merry Christmas

Dear Friends.....

Merry Christmas!!!

Thank you for praying for the many connections as well as the Lord's safety for both of us (Carlene carried the responsibilities of home) during my 15 day trip to Korea last month.  I shared in 5 different churches and classroom settings, and continually sensed His leading every moment.  I am particularly excited about a renewed emphasis to intercede for North Korea.

We (representing the Portland area worship/intercessors) connected with family and new friends in the Olympic Peninsula this past weekend, and tonight, I begin a 5th year of ministry at the Portland Airport....worshipping literally in the "Oregon Marketplace." While much of my time will be spent beyond the security checkpoints, I will play Monday, Dec. 12th and 19th and Friday Dec. 23rd from 11am to 8pm in the public food are welcome to join me.  Please email or call to confirm if you plan to come out to the airport.

Also, these weeks mark a "renewed" chapter in my after 26 years, I felt the Lord asked me to re-enter the public school system and work occasionally as a guest teacher.  I have been busy these past days in several grade schools and a middle school.  It's been an adventure and a challenge....but very good.  Carlene continues her work at Mt Hood Community College and volunteers at My Father's House (a homeless shelter) and Chestnut Lane, (an assisted living home for the deaf.)  All our children are doing well.

Remember, there will be no Worship at the River this coming Sunday, December 11th.   Instead, we will be having a Worship Celebration on Friday, December 16th.  We’ll have dinner and worship together at A Special Place in Gresham.   Doors open at 6:30 for fellowship, dinner will be served at 7:00PM.  The cost of the prime rib dinner is $18.00 per ticket.

Reservations for dinner need to be made immediately.  You may call Delight at 503-380-7203 or e-mail her at if you plan to attend.  We look forward to being together with you during this special season.

Thank you for praying and supporting our family.

In His Love,

Darrell and Carlene Dahlman


Sunday, November 27, 2005

Land of the Morning Calm


This is most likely the final note I'll send from the Korea..."Land of the Morning Calm".

There are so many wonderful experiences I could could share...but let me just tell you about this Sunday morning:

First, I felt the Lord wanted me to gather up a plastic bag filled with dry leaves. This is truly a beautiful country with beautiful people...and the fall is especially rich in color. During my talk, I encouraged the church that the Father's love is a rich inheritance.....and that he has not discarded them, as a country or as individuals, but that He desired to "fill this Land with the Father's Blaze Spirit Blaze set hearts on fire".

I passed the bag around and each one took one of the leaves....some were brittle..or large...others small with differing shapes and colors...but all unique and one-of-a-kind in their own way. The message was that God has not forgotten them, and that His intent was to pour out His Spirit and to release them into the destiny He has for them. 100 years ago, at the same time in Wales and in Azusa Street in LA, there was a mighty move of God in North Korea, where most of the Christians then lived. We believe another such move is coming.

The Lord has a redemptive purpose for this Land...even though it is "dry and barren". I used my leaf and literally set it ablaze as an illustration of our lives being consumed by Him. As a drink offering or precious perfume, we become a sweet smelling fragrance of His Presence. I told them one of my favorite smells was burning it reminded me of raking leaves into a big pile, jumping into the pile...and eventually setting the whole thing on fire. (Oh the memories of the Midwest and the joy of Autumn...want to forget the winter) I believe this is such a season of spiritual harvest. Soon, the room filled with the fragrance of my "burning leaf" , and with it, a palatable sense of God's rich promise for the Korean people. (besides that, it was fun!)

Thank you for praying....I'll return Tuesday and give a detailed summary in a few days.

Bless you!!


Saturday, November 26, 2005


Tonight concludes an amazing three days of renewed friendships with the church in Deajeon. I spoke to this Foursquare flagship church in Korea on Wed. evening on the richness of spiritual inheritance. I referred and acknowledged Sister in her 80's... who has not lost her fire for the Holy Spirit's move in this ministry she began over 50 years ago. Sam, now the Sr. Pastor, interpreted for me, and I acknowledged the wealth of investment in the Kingdom....the "great cloud of witnesses" we know have laid a spiritual foundation. Their ceiling has become our floorThese folks have truly been family, and Jean Darnall (another honored pioneer in the faith) together with Carlene and I, will visit again in February for an annual national pastors conference. Sam Ahn feels this gathering is pivotal for their fellowship, and in some ways, I feel I may have been part of an advance team in preparation for February. (I even went to the famous early morning prayer meeting!)

I spoke with a class of international students at Asia Life University, the school associated with this movement. Students represented India, China, Nepal, Taiwan, and other countries. I asked all of them to share what they feel the most important thing God is doing in the earth today...and assured them there was no "wrong" answer. Many responded with....evangelism, grace, worship, etc...all good things. I shared that what the Holy Spirit has been teaching many of the fact He is wooing His Bride. The revelation of the Love of Jesus for us is beginning to affect every aspect of life.

Tonight was the Friday evening prayer gathering, and once again I felt the Lord has a special destiny and grace for prayer that He has bestowed on these beautiful people.

Thank you for sleeping well...except missing Carlene!!! Have experienced much laughter...grace...provision....blessing...and sense His Hand in the slightest detail. As I have been often asked to pray for many...the Lord continues to give specific words of encouragement and when He does that.

Getting ready to see home....and people here can NOT understand why Americans eat turkey (the bird is not eaten here), and I have refrained from the smart reply observing what I've seen put before me in restaurants...but, I held my tongue. Nevertheless, I'm ready for Thanksgiving, albeit 5 days late!


Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Korea 2005 # 4


Thank you for continuing to pray for this ministry. Daily I see evidence of God's direction and blessing. I spoke to an English "learning" pastors meeting on Monday. They meet in a home of a pastor, Holyfield, who also serves as one of my primary interpreters. We had "American style" pizza ( believe me....most of you would be surprised what these creative Koreans put on pizza). I shared my heart for North Korea and one of the women began to cry, as her brother (from South Korea) is in the North (for reasons I don't quite understand). I spoke of God's love for her and her was wonderful.

I traveled to the city of Ansun....north of Seoul for 2 days at Calvary Church. This wonderful group meets in a 3 story building complete with housing and large kitchen as they are called to serve the poor of the city. Currently they house some 40 people. I woke up at 5 am to the sound of they all meet in their traditional style early morning pray meeting. Good alarm clock!

Today I travel to see what has become our second family....Sarah, Sam, Sungkwan and Mrs. Ahn...founders of the Foursquare Church here in Korea.

Bless you....and will share a bit more later. Again...thank you for praying!


Korea 2005 #3


Just a quick note....again, thank you for praying. Last night I spoke in the afternoon and evening at an established traditional church...with a brand new building. It is a beautiful structure...but I felt the Lord wanted to communicate with passion, how much He loves the "individual temple" and that He has a dream and destiny for them. I communicated this with, I guess, a new measure of intensity..kind of surprised myself..the the entire church (100 or so) came before the Lord at the altar. Then, I prayed over individuals before home @ 11:30 pm (am staying with Pastor his home the entire time I am here, I like being served American breakfast in the morning!) The pastor is facing much opposition in his decision to follow the Holy Spirit. He and his wife were in Kansas City at the House of Prayer....and she has a vision for establishing one here. Today will share the challenge of learning how to BE rather that DO...still learning that truth myself.

I will be at this same church today...afternoon and evening....then meet with several who have ministries in North Korea.

Bless all of you! Thank you for praying!


Friday, November 18, 2005



This will be a quick is 11am Sat...and this afternoon I'd like to invite you to pray for a very important and strategic meeting that I feel the Lord has arranged. Carlene and I met E. several months ago..she is an intercessor with a mission to stand in the gap as she is from North Korea. She has a strong calling on her life...and I feel will be instrumental in the establishment of an altar of worship in her land. I will introduce her to P. (who we met in the states..he regularly visits North Korea and lives in China.) We all "happened" to be in the same place and in Seoul. We simply want to foster a friendship, worship and pray I feel there is a divine plan the Lord will begin to unwrap.

I am so grateful to the Lord for allowing us to form friendships with our common passion...the worship of the One who created heaven and earth. The last 2 visits we have made to Korea have also coincided with governmental visits from leaders in America. Condolessa Rice was here the same time last March, and yesterday, President Bush was speaking just 1 hour away from the city where I spoke the last several days. I heard on the news he used some of the same language to describe North Korea as I have . My message is not political...but I believe the Lord wants to bring spiritual as well as natural healing to the whole nation of Korea. I am glad to be a small part.

Thank you for praying...I feel very energized...even walked for 2 hours this morning.....and was rewarded with finding a Starbucks.....except they have no "venti" size....their large is our small...hmmmmm, in more ways than one.

Bless you...


PS I may not get to email much the next days...will speak 3 times Sunday...Mon. all day pastors meeting..Mon. pm and twice Tue...then to Taejon (Central part of Korea) Wed-Sat. God is good!

Wednesday, November 16, 2005


Wanted to also include this wonderful word of encouragement an intercessor may apply to some of you as well...and also a photo sent from Ben...interesting...


As a worshiper I receive many vision pictures as I worship whether it's when I flag, sing, dance, lay prostrate, as you know it's just being fully in His Presence that He speaks most clearly to our spirits. This is what I saw:
I was on a plane and feeling physically very ants-y, like my legs had endured sitting long enough, the stewardess stopped by my seat and asked if there was anything I needed. I replied, "just let me walk on the wing for awhile." (I actually have said this a few times on long flights for mission trips.) In the vision, I was then walking on the metal wing, and it turned into a huge bird wing, golden as I looked out the length of it, and knew it was a huge golden eagles wing. The Lord said to me, I will bear you up on eagles wings. I looked down at my feet and the wing turned to a glistening white irridescent glow like the brightest that all the colors can be, probably similar to the crystal sea of the heavenly realm.
As the service continued I pondered more and then look into the scripture that states those same words.
Here it is for you:
Exodus 19:4-6 (ampl.) You have seen what I did to the Egyptians, and how I bore you on eagles' wings and brought you to Myself. Now therefore, if you will obey My voice in truth and keep My covenant, then you shall be My own pecuiar possession and treasure from among and above all peoples; for the earth is Mine. And you shall be to Me a kingdom of priests, a holy nation consecrated, set apart to the worship of God). These are the words you shall speak to the Israelites.
There are those called to a higher level of covenant to show forth the Beauty of Holiness through consecrated lifestyles of Worship to the one True God. When the authentic is manifest (through us), then any forms of false worship must bow and retreat. This is what the Lord has been speaking to me loudly concerning all the forms of worship, for me especially in using/making cloth artforms. I see yours as a holiness voice and pure instruments as you place your hands to guitars, drums, and keyboards, and sing forth the Glories of the Lord.
Blessings on all that you do and are on your mission trip, I will continue to uphold you before the Lord and war on behalf of True worship coming forth in Korea in greater and increasing measure!

Korea 2005 #1

Dear Friends.....

First of all...many thanks to those who responded to my invitation to keep this ministry before the Lord. I cannot express how "different" these days feel. It is a bit subjective, but I have determined not to minister our of my own "proven devices" but to rely on His direction for everything spoken or done. There has been a discernible difference and anointing...Thank you Lord.

I spoke on the authority and wisdom of intimacy as well as a kind of spontaneous "'sharpening your arrows" talk.

NO jet lag...immediate body clock adjustment..slept as if there was literally no time change

Holy Spirit flow of not "rushing" into subject matter, but the Lord has continued to carefully lay out each ministry time

I miss family...but have taken personal time to walk the streets of Seoul in the morning and just enjoy the Lord ( I found a Dunkin Doughnuts shop....serves decent cup of joe with an apple fritter to balance out all the much for the 3 mile walk)

Please pray for:

Healing from a nagging cough....especially at night.

Protection from distraction..especially as I pray for individuals

Continued clarity of exact words the Lord would have me speak

Creativity as I have sung spontaneously in nearly every meeting

Continued protection and blessing over my family.

Bless all of you...and thank you for praying...don't forget to email..or if you don't like to do email... even call me to leave voice to hear your voices! ( 206.350.0236)


Monday, November 14, 2005

South Korea

Dear Friends and Family,

In just a little over 12 hours, I leave for South Korea for 15 days. Most of you have some connection with us, either through long-term relationships, family, church related ministry, or you have a passion for prayer. I would like to communicate a bit more regularly and specifically this trip.

I would like to include Prayer requests as well as other concerns ... so this list is much smaller. Also, it is written on the fly ... and may even have a few grammar or spelling mistakes ... please ignore them.

I feel this trip is very strategic. After some prayer, we feel as if Carlene is going to remain home this time. So it will be just myself this time.

We have just received an invitation to return in February for the Foursquare National Pastors Conference together with Jean Darnall ... and also in March for the Youth With A Mission school ... as well other meetings yet to be determined. So with all of that travel, this seems the right choice.

Everything is just a bit sketchy at this point, but I'd like you to pray for:

grace and efficient connections with airlines and other travel
wisdom and revelation regarding ministry
safety and health with sustaining energy
clarity in meeting the right people the right place in the right time
peace and grace for Carlene and our other family members Nate and Krista, Danielle, Matthew, and Paul.

Thank you for praying, and I'll try to communicate as often as possible ... especially as the Holy Spirit leads.

Bless you,


Ps. Please feel free to e-mail any words or insights questions or whatever it's always wonderful to hear from friends during these trips ... you may even leave me a voice message that I can retrieve through my e-mail. This is a Internet fax #but you may leave a voicemail as well: 206.350.0236 ... oh the marvel of electronic technology!

Thursday, November 10, 2005

Sorry for the mixup

The Christmas Dinner and Worship Celebration is NOT December 11th (as previously noted in today's email) ....but will be held Friday, December 16th. The fully catered dinner event will be held at A Special Place, in Gresham. ( Please email Delight Petersen ( for inquiries and reservations.

Sorry for the mixup. Remember, no Worship At the River event in December.


Pacificministries events for November and December

Following are Pacificministries events for November and December. Of special note is our cancellation of our regularly scheduled second Sunday Worship At the River Gathering for December 11th, 2005. (Please note: NOT November but December)

Instead, we'd like to celebrate the Christmas season with a Worship Celebration and fully catered prime rib dinner at A Special Place, in Gresham, Oregon. Last April, we celebrated a Passover Seder at this venue. Please feel free to e-mail Delight Petersen by December 1st to secure your place. (

This will be a wonderful opportunity to celebrate what the Lord has done these past years. We also anticipate "looking forward" to specific plans and events for the coming season. (Not to mention a memorable Christmas feast!) Please come!

Calendar Events

· November 2-16 Steve Bressler (Pacificministries Team Member) with Northwest Medical Teams, Africa

· November 11-12 Growing In Intimacy With The Father seminar with Dave Olson (registration is closed)

· November 13 Worship At The River 6:00 p.m. Glenn Otto Park, Troutdale

· November 14-29 Darrell and Carlene Seoul Korea (if you'd like regular e-mail updates during this trip, please e-mail: and I'll include you)

The Lord has allowed us to cultivate wonderful friendships with Foursquare, independent, and mainline denominational churches in South Korea. Our work with Youth With A Mission and other organizations have given us an increased awareness and burden for both North Korean refugees and the underground church. Many organizations that regularly monitor persecution and human-rights issues have agreed that among all the nations of the world, North Korea is the worst violator. We believe the Lord is utilizing professionals, humanitarian workers, and entrepreneurs in practical ministry endeavors to minister to the people of this nation. At the same time Lord is igniting a passion for intercession and worship for the expressed purpose and expectation of God's presence to be established in this nation.

In the North Korean capital of P'yŏngyang; 100 years ago, revival prayer meetings began which changed the spiritual climate of the nation. We believe the seeds of that Renewal will yet come to fruition. (For more information, please visit:

Our ministry trip is centered on a two-part mission:

1. 1. Continue to encourage and strengthen pastors, leaders, and worshippers in churches in South Korea; and,

2. 2. To seek the Lord for His strategy regarding how to pray specifically for the church in North Korea. Part of this trip will be spent with leaders who work directly with refugees. We also hope to visit the border to pray.

* December 3 Regional Worship Gathering, 6:00 p.m. Port Townsend Washington (

This Worship Gathering is open to all, especially those who live in the Olympic Peninsula or surrounding cities. We have developed wonderful relationships with leaders in this region (Carlene's home town), and look forward to an evening of worship. The Lutheran Church of the Redeemer will host this Worship Gathering. They regularly sponsor Saturday evening worship gatherings. and Burdell Austin, the Washington State coordinator for the Strategic Prayer Network, is also inviting many of her leaders as well.

* December 11 Worship Celebration and Dinner
* December 12,19,23 My fifth year of "ministering" at the Portland International Airport as part of the airport's Christmas Piano seasonal entertainment.
* Traditionally, I have spent much of December committed to this ministry. Occasionally, folks have been interested in partnering with me by Prayer - walking as I play traditional Christmas favorites on the piano. Airports are often referred to as the gateway or the hub of a city, and I believe the Lord has allowed access into the "city gate". These times have taught me much about worship in the marketplace, prayer, rest, obedience, and intimacy. I have scheduled this ministry at the center of the food court at the Oregon Marketplace clock tower. Many travelers and guests buy their coffee lattes and gather around the piano and even sometimes sing along. This has become a highlight of my year, and you are welcome. Please e-mail for exact times. I am scheduling these three days in the food open to the public; the remaining ministry will be beyond security.
* December 25 11:00 a.m. Darrell and Mike Baird will be leading worship Christmas morning at Greater Portland Bible Church. (

Finally, we thank you for your financial support, interest and prayers as the Lord continues to reveal His design for all of us in the season.

Darrell and Carlene

International House of Prayer

Dear Friends of Pacificministries,

Last week, Carlene and I returned from a leaders summit at the International House of Prayer in Kansas City, Missouri. Needless to say, these 5 days were both affirming and life changing. Increasing numbers of pastors and leaders throughout America desire authentic city transformation. Kansas City has pioneered an expression of nonstop night and day prayer for nearly seven years. They sponsor schools of ministry, conferences, and internships for young and old alike. While they would not recommend replicating an exact "Kansas City" model, the values and convictions can be absorbed and implemented in communities, churches and nations,

Not only did we enjoy "soaking" times in the House of Prayer, but we cultivated new friendships with leaders such as Dr. Wes Adams and Rhonda Hughey, the directors of Fusion Ministries ( and sponsors of the summit. This is a quote from her recent book Desperate For His Presence:

The critical component to revival in the church and transformation in the community is the manifest Presence of Jesus. In transformed communities, the presence of God is a valued and critical component of the well-being of the community at every level of society. Participants in transformation in these communities include Presidents, Prime Ministers, Mayors, businessman, law enforcement officers, clergy and laypeople. People from all over the world are gathering to cry out to God and labor together to seek His presence and the transformation of their communities.

Sunday morning at the final summit meeting at the House of Prayer, representatives from 30 or so cities and nations were privileged to intercede on behalf of their region. As I approached the front of the auditorium to pray, I noticed one of the intercessors had a beautiful, fragrant, fresh cut rose. I asked her if I might borrow it for a moment, and I brought it with me as I prayed. Following is my best recollection of the prayer:

Lord, you have created our city... Portland, Oregon for intimacy and creative worship. We are known as the City Of Roses. As we seek Your Face and humble ourselves, may you continue to refine... and even crush us, so that there will come a sweet fragrance of Your Presence rise from our city. May this fragrance of worship be acceptable to You, Lord.

The writer in the Song Of Songs records :

I am a Rose of Sharon...Awake, north wind, and come, south wind! Blow on my garden, that its fragrance may spread abroad. (2:1...4:16)

We believe the Holy Spirit is moving as a fresh wind spreading the fragrance of heart felt worship all over the world. Believers everywhere are responding to His call for renewed and extravagant, "first love" expressions of worship. This is also our heart's cry. We have been encouraged by many throughout the Northwest and Pacific Rim nations who share this common heart.

Bless you in your "desperate" pursuit of His presence.

Darrell and Carlene

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Perspective on Katrina

By now you have seen countless images of the damage produced by Hurricane Katrina. The press has vigorously sought out the extreme view of all the pain and anguish and broadcast it to the world. It is time to shift away from the visible devastation and consider the spiritual dynamics. Here are a few embryonic considerations of things God might want us to see.

1) This was fundamentally different

America is no stranger to violence or judgment. There are times when the dysfunction of our society overflows in destructive actions, such as the spate of school shootings a few years ago. There are other times when God uses nature to discipline us, such as the Northridge earthquake which hit the center of child pornography in California.

The assault on New Orleans and the surrounding area falls into a dramatically different category. God warns us in Leviticus 18:28 that the land itself has limited tolerance for iniquity. "And if you defile the land, it will vomit you out as it vomited out the nations that were before you."

I believe this is what is happening in Louisiana. Listen to the people who are leaving. There is a consistent theme of people just wanting to get out and not come back. This is a staggering response considering how deeply rooted people are in Louisiana. It is not nearly the transient society we have in California. Families have lived in a small geographic area for generations, and suddenly, there is no love for their native land at all.

Although they have no place to go, no future, no plan, they know one thing - they want out. I believe that it is because in their spirit, they know that the land is inhospitable spiritually, as well as physically.

Contrast this with other great disasters. When the earthquake and fire destroyed San Francisco in 1906, the overwhelming response was to rebuild. When the tsunami hit Alaska in 1964, the overwhelming response was to rebuild. When Hurricane Hugo hit South Carolina in 1989, the overwhelming response was to rebuild. When the Twin Towers were hit in 2001, the overwhelming response was to rebuild.

While New Orleans will certainly be rebuilt, the overwhelming response at this moment is to flee and never look back.

This is different. A specific discipline from God or the natural consequences of a dysfunctional society do not bring this response. People are responding to the land which has vomited them out.

2) There is a spiritual virus released

Louisiana has been known for decades as a place of civil lawlessness. The anti-social behavior of the last week is a minor issue compared to the history of governmental abuse of power and ordinary criminality in the streets. Additionally, the city is famed for moral and spiritual lawlessness. The very term "Big Easy" announces to all that gratification is readily available on all levels.

Louisiana also has a very strong spirit of rights vs. responsibility. It was remarkable to track the differences in response among the people who were interviewed. People from Louisiana frequently lashed out because their needs were not met in the manner they expected. People from Mississippi were more often quoted as expressing gratitude for whatever help they did get, when they got it.

America as a nation is certainly predisposed to lawlessness and to focusing on their own rights, not their responsibilities. What will it look like when these two spiritual viruses from New Orleans are disseminated across the nation in a massive fashion, cross pollinating with negative spiritual dynamics already in the communities?

3) The Christian response

The book of Obadiah is God's judgment of extermination on the nation of Edom. Their sin? Hurting Jews when God was punishing them. Even though the Babylonian assault was ordained by God, and even though the sins of the nation of Judah compelled this judgment from God, Edom should not have helped inflict pain on Judah at the time when they were being broken by God.

This is a crucial principle for the Body of Christ and the nation at large. Regardless of the nature and degree of the sins God is dealing with, Louisiana and the surrounding region is part of our nation. They are kinfolk, therefore God is holding us responsible to reach out to them, not to condemn them or add to their pain.

4) The potential

We use the term The Edomite Curse to describe normal human relationships that turn adversarial. It encompasses abortion, child molestation and abandonment, divorce, racism, domestic violence, murder, rape and all other forms of fractured relationships. While every redemptive gift has its own form of sin, the redemptive gift of Prophet tends to default to the Edomite Curse, leaving a trail of broken relationships behind it.

Thus, the United States with its redemptive gift of Prophet has created vast brokenness within our own nation, as well as in the community of nations around the world. Texas, a Prophet state, is also somewhat tenuous in their commitment to community. Their slogan "Lone Star State" continually reaffirms that their commitment to the community of the nation is second to their commitment to themselves.

Now consider this principle: If we honor those whom God sends us, He will send us those whom He honors.

The Church has been praying vigorously for revival. There is a passionate desire to have more than a visitation from the King. We long to have Him dwell among us.

This is a righteous desire.

But is it possible that we are facing a test? Is the earnestly desired move of God contingent on our response to this situation? Is it possible that in the face of decades of rampant, unrepentant empowering of the Edomite Curse, God is offering this nation one last opportunity to love our brother?

When you think about it, the financial, emotional and spiritual cost of restoring the tens of thousands of evacuees is microscopic when measured against the travesty of the past generations' indulgence in destroying life and community.

Is it possible that if we respond rightly to this, God will come with mercy, but if we turn our back on our brothers and sisters, God will turn His back on us?

I don't know. I don't have to know whether the stakes are that high or not, because I do know that the right thing to do is to invest in those who have fled Louisiana - just because it is right.

5) The Fruit

If we consistently do what is right, because it is right, sooner or later we will do a right thing that gives us results that are hugely disproportionate to the action.

For the last ten years sundry teams have been deeply vested in dealing with the iniquity on the land in Texas. Hundreds of events have been held in public and in private, seeking to properly deal with past sin, rebellion and iniquity.

Today, Texas is leading the nation in being honorable toward those who are in deep need. From the man in the street to Governor Perry, Texans have stepped up magnificently, extending radical mercy to all who are in need, with no reservations.

Is today's series of radically right choices in Texas the result of purifying the spiritual dynamics of the state over the last ten years? And will today's right choices regarding the evacuees leverage the nation away from the edge of the precipice we have been walking on?

I don't know for sure. I just know they are doing the right thing in a big way, and it will go far to crush the power of the spirit of Edom that has reigned in Texas for a long time.

Will we do the same for our nation?

Arthur Burk

Sept. 6, 2005

Sunday, September 11, 2005

Worship at the River

Worship at the River

Four years ago on this date, most of our lives changed dramatically. We were confronted with the reality of a battle initiated by an enemy we could not easily see ... and this holy war, for the first time, affected U.S. soil.

Exactly two weeks ago, we experienced another tragedy in the hurricane and the aftermath of chaos and lawlessness ... as well as acts of kindness and mercy ... all witnessed on the nightly news. Many fled to a Tower of refuge ... the Superdome ... hoping for safety and security.

We are living with uncertainty, challenge, and change. This is why I am more convinced than ever that ...

... neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons,[a] neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, 39neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.

Just two years ago this month, several us felt the Holy Spirit lead us to began a once a month gathering here at the River. While we have learned more tha just a few things, these past few years our gathering has just one central purpose. It is an open invitation to let the Holy Spirit release songs... songs that we know from the past, hymns as well as contemporary, and songs that have their birth in the spontaneous revelation King David modeled for us in his personal journal ... which became the Book of Psalms.

Paul urged the church to assemble and bring something....a contribution to the meeting. I don't think he was referring to finances. He spoke about songs, a prophetic word, a word encouragement or a tongue with interpretation ...

As in the past, you may hear songs that are spontaneous, experience times of quietness or silence ... words of encouragement ... All of these elements we submit to the Holy Spirit for his orchestration. And above all, we are not afraid of making a mistake.

We have learned over the years that there is one central reoccurring and growing passion ... that is the love for the Bride for the Bridegroom ... the Holy Spirit draws us to this truth time and time again ... the supremacy of Christ. I asked my wife if she had a word for this evening, and she said yes, she says the Lord says: I want all the attention tonight.

This evening we may experience times the Holy Spirit will initiate.... an opportunity to agree with Him for words of knowledge, prophetic encouragement ... ... healing ... as well as an opportunity to celebrate communion as the Holy Spirit leads.

But most importantly, this evening we have the privilege and of the joy of abandoned worship. That despite external circumstances, gas prices, hurricanes, wars and rumors of wars, the start of school, illnesses and disappointments, we worship.

Can you find the rest from your previous labor?

Could it be that the Lord wants us to draw even closer to Him ... because we're approaching a season of even greater dependence on Him?

We worship. We worship because of what God has done for us ... He has done great things ... and we are His people and the sheep of his pasture created for one purpose ... to glorify His Name.


Justice Tour

A Note from Kelly.....

Hi Everybody!!!

And so, the next chapter opens with a girl on her knees crying out to her God for grace to stand and grace to weep. What else can be done? Is there an ocean large enough to hold all the tears to be shed? It is God alone that can annul the covenant that we have made with death. It is He alone that can break the curse over our land.

Some of you know me well; some have walked with me during deep seasons of pain, while others have known me from a distance. Regardless of time, distance, or lack of knowledge, we are bound together in the spirit by our love for the Father and for His Son, the fellowship of His Spirit being our link to one another.

Many of you know the journey that I’ve been on as I have struggled to remain in the love of God and abandon myself into the mystery of His sovereignty, even while wrestling with the reason why He was allowing sickness to ravage my body. Your presence while I struggled was a great comfort to me and gave me courage to lean more fiercely into the Father’s heart and for that I am indebted to you forever.

The season for me is beginning to change. I have been severely restrained for the past few years from any kind of travel, many times even outside of my own house, but this restraint has been a tool that has taught me what it means to be content with my portion for the season I find myself in, of which I am still learning. I pray that I have not despised this gift but have used it to dig deeper into the wells of salvation, building a refuge that will remain unmoved when the storms of life come to try the strength of the structure we have built.

As many of you know the Justice Tour’s final stop is in Jackson, MS from Sept. 11th-Sept. 16th. Mississippi is a state with only 1 active abortion clinic within it’s borders. There were as many as 7 open at one time, but the governmental leadership, made up of mostly born-again Christians, have placed such stringent restrictions on them, it has made operations in that state very difficult, thus there is 1 left standing.

What is the Justice Tour? The Justice Tour is a stand the body of Christ across our nation is taking against this culture of death that is pursuing our generation. It is a silent cry raised on behalf of those without voices, being heard in the court of heaven. We will stand with red tape across our mouths with the word LIFE written on it, our hearts pleading for the blood of Jesus to wash and cleanse this land, pleading for the end of the death of the innocent in our nation. All across the nation, as the team stood in specific locations in the different cities they visited, they saw incredible signs that this is the hour to stand for LIFE, to awaken from our slumber and truly hear the heartbeat of our Father.

So, a team from Portland will be going on the 11th. I am 1 among the number of nameless and faceless ones. If God would have you pray for this event and for the team that is going to stand, please listen to the whispers of the Spirit as He is leading. I personally have some specific things that I would surely covet your prayers for.

  1. Grace for traveling. I have not traveled far from home in almost 3 years, and I’m a bit nervous…to say the least. The last time I traveled was not a good experience which is why I’m a little nervous. I’ll be honest and say that I was sick when I left to leave and the condition only worsened as the trip progressed. When I arrived back home I spent a long time recovering.

  1. Grace to stand. We will be standing for 5 hours a day in hot and humid

conditions. Even in shorts, the weather itself will be enough to make the stand

difficult. Please pray that the Lord will be merciful to us and give us strength

when we are feeling weak, even to the point of changing the weather for us… I

know He is fully able.

  1. Grace to weep. In this hour of history, there is a clear call for the professional

weepers to arise and let their eyes run down like rivers. May our stand be one

full of tears as our hearts are impacted by the breaking heart of the Father. I

don’t want to be distant from his heart anymore, regardless of the pain that it

causes me to feel within. Is it not worth it to know what the Father is feeling and

be able to somehow comfort Him in this season by joining our tears with His?

I would also ask that the Father, in taking me into this next chapter, would release to me an increased level of wholeness and fullness in Him. He truly is my Ebenezer stone…My rock of Remembrance… He has delivered me in the past. He is delivering me now. He will deliver me in the future. I can trust His heart for His thoughts toward me are good.

In His Arms,

Kelly Hahn

Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Labor Day

Dear Friends,

Yesterday, Labor Day, several us gathered together to wait on the Lord. While there was no specific agenda, we felt the Holy Spirit lead us to listen to Him. During our time of listening, I wrote in my journal a few questions I felt Lord was asking:

Ask and you will receive ... do not labor in vain.

Can you find the rest from your previous labor?

Sobering questions. Most of us recognize that after Katrina, life will never be the same for hundreds of thousands. Could it be that the Lord wants us to draw even closer to Him ... because we're approaching a season of even greater dependence on Him?

As we approached yet another season of busyness with the start of school and other demands, we invite you to the river this Sunday evening. We invite you to rest and worship and listen.

Many of us are discovering the Holy Spirit has deeper levels of silence and rest available to those who desire to press in even deeper to the heart of God.


Join us for a picnic at 5:00PM….beverages and cups will be provided. Please bring your own picnic foods, plates and utensils.

Thank you for praying for our family during this interesting and challenging summer. Please continue to pray for these upcoming meetings.

Darrell and Carlene's September Itinerary

September 21st Meetings with John Roddam at St. Luke's Episcopal in Seattle
Web Page: http://

September 24th Meetings with Jim Watt at the Congregation Beth Chesed Tacoma Washington
Phone: (253) 874-4265

September 25th Three services at the Oasis Church, a Korean Congregation in Los Angeles with Pastor David Kim

September 26th - 28th Youth With A Mission meetings in Los Angeles

September 29th - October 2nd
Leading worship at the International Fellowship of Ministries annual Fall Conference
The Father Heart of God

Location - Word of His Grace Church - Bothell, Wa
Speaker: Leif Hetland
Office: 206-782-4367 (IFM7)
Fax: 206-782-4368 (IFM8)
Toll Free: 1-888-793-0970

Worship at the River
2nd Sunday's @ 6pm
In the Sam Cox Building
Glenn Otto Community Park
1102 E. Historic Columbia River Hwy, Troutdale, OR 97060

Thursday, September 01, 2005

Some of my thoughts....toward those who disagree

I've believe the Holy Spirit is moving, drawing and purifying the Church today. God is using the pressure and trials and accusations to bring about His purposes.

When we experience accusation, our first response should be a question: " Lord, what are you teaching me through this .... what are you saying to me? How are you using this accusation to bring accuracy and purity to my ministry? "

A mature and loving inquiry to valid doctrinal errors in any ministry should be welcomed.

But I also believe accusations and doctrinal errors delivered in a wrong spirit will increase as the time draws near for the return of Jesus. They are like poisonous arrows instead of a scalpel in the hands of a gifted surgeon. Sometimes there does need to be a spiritual surgery... to cut away wrong doctrinal or soulish ministry that promotes self.

I believe the Holy Spirit is drawing us to Himself with the revelation of the beauty of intimacy with Jesus. He is also permitting the added dimension of stress and difficulty to motivate us to run to Jesus more quickly and fervently.

I believe God is orchestrating these times to produce maximum love without violating our free will. I want to embrace even the things that in my soulish response ....I would rather defend.

In Jeremiah 16, there is the description of a Fisher and the Hunter. I believe that passage is referring to a willing response to be drawn closer and captured by the heart of Jesus... lurred into His presence.... as opposed to being hunted and pursued with pressure and tribulation. I'd rather be a fish.

There is coming a season in the church, where the Lord is bringing pressure and tribulation so that we might respond as Paul did, with great joy and thankfulness because the great love inherent in Godly correction and discipline.

Whenever we confront a brother, we do it with the same heart and spirit of love and affirmation we expect from the Lord himself.

It is dangerous to assume that we can bring accusations which, although they may contain a measure of truth, are without the spirit of love, humility and empathy Jesus modeled.

I know the Lord is using both righteous and unrighteous pressure to bear on the church today. how we respond to the accusations we bring, as well as receive... may be a barometer of our maturity. We must be willing to subject ourselves to the purifying fire God promises to bring to us.

Wednesday, July 20, 2005

2nd Update

Dear Friends and Ministry Partners,

I know it has been a few weeks since I have given you an update regarding our oldest son's condition after his automobile accident July 3rd. Suffice to say we are very grateful he is alive. The driver who collided with him had no license or insurance and had six prior convictions for drunken driving. He remains in jail but is expected to plead not guilty. One passenger in his automobile remains in the hospital, and Nate and Krista are now involved in various legal proceedings, court appearances, and hospital visits with physical therapy. An especially intriguing exercise, is a Victim's Impact Statement Nathan and his wife Krista will craft and be read in court prior to much of the legal proceedings. We are praying not only for justice and fair recompense, but for an opportunity to demonstrate God's grace, forgiveness, and mercy to the offender and other families involved. Carlene has remained in Minneapolis for several weeks to be with Nathan as Krista has returned to work.

Needless to say, these past weeks have been a whirlwind of emotions. But the support of family and friends who have faithfully interceded have been a constant source of encouragement.

I returned to the Pacific Northwest on Monday and will spend the next few days preparing for ministry in Los Angeles at the Korean based Youth With A Mission school. Carlene returns on Thursday, July 28th to the Seattle area where we will attend her family reunion in Port Townsend. After nearly six weeks of being away from our little condominium in Gresham, we finally come home on August 1st.

Most of us have at one time or another experienced a season not unlike Carlene and I have. Nowhere does God promise of life free from difficulty or tragedy. As I have talked with many of you on the phone or through email, a common question is: "What is the Lord saying to you?"

In the moments following our early morning phone call on July 3rd, I felt Lord remind me of the promise found in John 10. Jesus promises that those who listen to his voice and follow Him will never perish; and that no one can snatch them out of His Hand.

I believe this was God's word for us during that hour. He has not said much more than this. Sometimes I desperately desire a word from a Lord and when I receive it, I neglect to rest in that word. These past few weeks I have learned to rest in the promise that God will never leave us, and that nothing or no one can snatch us away from His Hand. I am learning to be content in this truth. I don't need another word... I want to learn to rest in this one.

Most of us are involved and quite busy with ministry. We have many things to do and people to see. Events to plan for and fires to put out. Much of this can be good. But the temptation is to miss an opportunity to rest in God's current promises for us.

My prayer today, is that God would give us renewed confidence and rest in His current Word. What has he said to you? Are you resting in what he has already said?

Thank you again for all of your prayers and words of encouragement. We rejoice in God's faithfulness and grace.

Bless you,


Thursday, July 07, 2005

July Travels

Dear Friends and Family,

(Carlene....)I have three windows to my right as I'm resting on a comfy couch, and the sun is brightly shining. It is a good day.Darrell and I are in Minneapolis at our son's home where he is being nursed back to health. We received news while visiting Darrell's sister in Napperville, Ill that Nate was on the road July 3rd when a car with 3 drunk passengers spun out of control and crossed over into oncoming traffic. Nate was hit head on. Fortunately, seat belts were in use, the air bag deployed, and he was not severely injured. He underwent 2 surgeries to repair tendons in his right knee and remove dashboard fragments. It was a tearful reunion with a thankful heart I kissed his warm face. We are thankful too, that all five people who were involved in the three-car collision are alive. One man is still suffering a back injury so please include him in yourprayers. Please pray for continued healing…also for all the details of insurances and lawyers as the driver had multiple DUIs. (Darrell)No parent wants to receive the news at 2 am their child was injured and trapped in his car...but the Lord was so near...right from the beginning. He spoke to me from John 10:...My Father, who has given them to me, is greater than all; no one can snatch them out of my Father's hand. I and theFather are one."Nate said he felt in the seconds following impact, the presence of the Lord and a peace which can only come from the Father. We are grateful...and thank you for your prayers. (Carlene)We celebrated Darrell's 50th birthday in Napperville, Ill at his sister's beautiful home where all four sibling's families gathered to eat, laugh, swim and watch Darrell open many humorous gifts and cards. Before we flew out to the Mid-West...Darrell and I were blessed to share with many friends and new acquaintances at San Juan Baptist Church in Port Townsend, Jim and Marie's Messianic fellowship, and Evergreen 4-Square church with Bruce Norquist, both in Tacoma. A memorable connection with Peter Yang, who is a South Korean missionary to North Korea and ministers to the children was unforgettable. We'll share more of his story later. Remember Worship at the River this Sunday July 10th@ 6PM in the Sam Cox BuildingGlenn Otto Community Park (1102 E. Historic Columbia River Hwy, Troutdale)This is the theme upon which the evening will be centered: Ps 27:44 One thing I ask of the LORD, this is what I seek:that I may dwell in the house of the LORD all the days of my life, to gaze upon the beauty of the LORD and to seek him in his temple. NIV

Bless you all....and remember to give your children a big hug.

Darrell and Carlene DahlmanP.S.

Remember to make email changes in your address book:Personal email account: darrelldahlman@gmail.comCell phone: Darrell 503-997-0713 Carlene 503-997-4236Ministry e-mail account:
Worship at the River2nd Sunday's @ 6pmIn the Sam Cox BuildingGlenn Otto Community Park1102 E. Historic Columbia River Hwy, Troutdale, OR 97060

Friday, June 17, 2005



We are planning to attend this conference in Salem and wanted you to
know about it as well.
Darrell and I are on our way tomorrow for several weeks of ministry
and family celebrations. We are looking forward to this event and
maybe...if the Lord leads you to Salem, we will see you there. If not
at this conference then hopefully sometime in the "near" future.
We enjoy greatly the times we see each other and rejoice in what God
is doing in you. We pray Ephesians 1 for wisdom and revelation so you
can "know" the God of our Lord Jesus Christ even more in your life
than you did a few hours ago.

Darrell and Carlene

Love is as strong as death... It burns like blazing fire, like a
mighty flame." Song of Songs 8:6

Life School and the Salem House of Prayer are very excited to be
hosting our first regional conference in Salem, Oregon. Burning Hearts
Northwest is three days of worship, intercession & anointed teaching
that will impact your heart with the burning heart of God's love for
you, empowering you to partner with Jesus as His beloved Bride!

Speakers: our speakers will be Gary and Marie Wiens of Burning Hearts
Ministries and the International House of Prayer, both of which are
based in Kansas City. Gary Wiens is a founder and president of Burning
Heart Ministries. Gary's passion is to inspire and impact the Body of
Christ with the message of the beautiful God with a burning heart of
love for His people as the Bride of Christ. An emerging joy centered
in the beauty of the Lord Jesus has given rise to a fresh passion to "know Him deeply, and to see His Bride come to her place of identity and destiny in the knowledge of the Bridegroom. Gary is associated with Mike Bickle and the International House of Prayer and is committed full time to ministering to the Lord and sharing the vision of the House of Prayer with the Body of Christ. We are blessed to have Gary and his wife Marie lead us in this Special time of focus and intimacy with the Lord. Worship: worship will be lead by the Salem House of Prayer. We are privileged to have the team from SHOP with us for this special time! Anointed, prophetic and intimate are just some of the words that describe their worship. This will also be an awesome time to see the Harp and Bowl model in action. Conference Schedule: the conference begins on August 15th and ends on the August 17th. 5 Sessions offered: Monday, Tuesday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Wednesday, Aug 15th Aug 16th Aug 16th Aug 17th Aug 17th - 7pm - 9am - 7pm - 9am - 7pm Registration: registration is limited! Register EARLY to assure a seat for you or your group. We are expecting an awesome turn out so get your seat reserved early. You can Pre-Register by sending payment and your name, address and phone number to: LIFE SCHOOL PO BOX 5350 SALEM, OR 97304

Worship: worship will be lead by the Salem House of Prayer. We are
privileged to have the team from SHOP with us
for this special time! Anointed, prophetic and intimate are just some
of the words that describe their worship. This will also be an awesome
time to see the Harp and Bowl model in action.

Registration: registration is limited! Register EARLY to assure a seat
for you or your group. We are expecting an awesome turn out so get
your seat reserved early. You can Pre-Register by sending payment and
your name, address and phone number to:
PO BOX 5350
SALEM, OR 97304

Thursday, June 16, 2005

Update for June 2005

Dear Friends and Family,

I'd like to inform all of you of our e-mail address change. Our old comcast email account will expire in a few days, so please make these changes in your address book:

Personal email account:

Home address:

4119 NE 8th St., Gresham,

OR 97030

Cell phone: Darrell 503-997-0713 Carlene 503-997-4236

Ministry e-mail account:


P O box 1351


Fax/Voice 206.350.0236

Our ministry schedule for the next weeks:

Saturday, June 18th Tacoma Washington
International Fellowship of Ministries Regional Meeting 10:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
You are welcome
Directions to Victory Tabernacle Church
From I-5: Take Exit #154 onto WA-518 West toward Burien (also towards the
Sea-Tac Airport)
Go 3.9 mi west. (On this stretch of highway, you will pass the Sea-Tac
Airport exit.
Continue west passing the Runway lights of the airport, and the DesMoines
Memorial Dr exit.
WA-518 soon comes to an end.
Get into the left lane and turn L at the 3rd traffic light onto 1st Ave S.
(You will see Denny's Restaurant)
Go apx 5 blocks on 1st Ave S.
Watch for Kentucky Fried Chicken. The next st is SW 153rd St.
Turn R onto 153rd.
Go 2 blocks to 209 SW 153rd St, Burien WA.
Victory Tabernacle is on the left hand side of the street.
For more information you may call Pastor Bob Cole at 206-988-1999

Sunday, June 19th Port Townsend Washington

San Juan Baptist Church

8:15 a.m. and 11:00 a.m.

Phone 360.385.2545

Friday, June 24th YWAM AIIM BASE Monroe Washington

Meeting with Peter Yang, who regularly ministers in North Korea

Saturday, June 25th Tacoma Washington

service at"Beth Chesed" with our friends Jim and Marie Watt

From Jim:

SPECIAL OPPORTUNITY for those of the Seattle/Tacoma area –

On Saturday June 25 we of the "Beth Chesed" Church family of Tacoma have the privilege of inviting you to join with us at 11:00 A.M. DARRELL DAHLMAN of the Portland area with his wife Carlene will be ministering for us. In 1961 Darrell at the age of 5, with his parents, visited us when we were pastoring at the First Baptist Church of Round Lake, Illinois. We renewed fellowship in 2001 in the Seattle area, and have since then become close friends.

Darrell was Minister of Music for 17 years in a church in the Portland area that numbers in the 1000’s. Five years ago the Lord led him into a new type of ministry, majoring in S. Korea and Japan. Through his music ministry he leads believers into a release of the Spirit. Then through his teaching, he further releases them into a mature manifestation of the Gifts of the Spirit.

Please obey any nudging of the Spirit the Lord gives you to join with us for this opportunity.

How do you find us? We meet upstairs at Puget Sound Christian Center, 4020 S. 56th Street, Tacoma, Washington (S.W. of the Tacoma Mall). From I-5 take the 56th Street exit, and drive West 1 1/8 Miles.

A large Reader Board on the South side of the street advertises PSCC in the top slot. (It is just before the Fox Hollow Coffee Shop, and the Moctezuma Mexican Restaurant.) Enter the large building at the N.W. corner, and take the elevator or stairs to the second floor. The room we lease is at the S.W. corner, Room 222, The Super Church meeting place. Beth Chesed signs are on the entrance door downstairs, and upstairs – to help you successfully to our location.

Jim and Marie Watt, Congregational leaders (Tel: 253.874.4265).

Sunday, June 26th Burien Washington

The Evergreen Church with Pastor Bruce and Kathy Norquist

Worship 10:00 a.m.

Community Praise and Worship 7:00 p.m.


And finally, a historic date ... June 30th 2005 ... yes I am proudly and with great joy accepting membership into A A R P... stepping into my fifth decade. 50 years old ... and feeling younger everyday. Carlene and I will celebrate by having all of our children fly out to my folks in Chicago.

It has been a privilege to meet many wonderful leaders in several gatherings throughout the Northwest these past several months. I am convinced the Lord is continuing to assemble His network. We are grateful and honored to have a part.

Thank you for your prayers and we bless you.

Darrell and Carlene

Monday, May 16, 2005

Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Cascade Consultation

Dear Friends,

I want to give you the " heads up " on a meeting coming up Saturday, June 4th. The organization I am currently affiliated with is called International Fellowship of Ministries headed by Joe McIntyre. He and I have worked together on a number of occasions, mostly I have led worship during annual conferences... the most recent last October with Bill Johnson from Bethel Church in Redding CA.

I have also worked with Burdell Austin, the Washington State coordinator for a prayer network headed by Peter Wagner (Chuck Pierce and Dutch Sheets are also affiliated). We have been talking for many weeks regarding the redemptive prophetic gifts of Oregon and Washington (both have distinctive yet uniform qualities) and how leaders must coordinate and communicate with each other.

Burdell is gathering together Intercessors from throughout Washington and the Northwest for a meeting she is calling a Cascade Consultation. Because we've had some contact in working together, would you pray about joining us?

We will present our pieces of the puzzle and listen together regarding what the Lord is doing in our region, in our relationships, and in His strategy for the future.

I am sure you will meet wonderful and humble servants passionate about God's design and promise for the Northwest. I know this will be one of many such gatherings, and it would be wonderful if you could join us.

If you are interested in attending this event, please RSVP to Burdell (her email invitation follows), but please let me know as well.

Bless you,


Greetings and many blessings to all of you,
The U.S. Strategic Prayer Network in Washington State and Pacific Ministries in Oregon would like to invite each of you and your spouses to a Cascadia Consolation on June 4, 2005 from 10:00 am to 6:00 pm.
Pastor Joe McIntyre, USSPN WA Apostolic Coordinator, Burdell Austin, USSPN WA Mobilizing Coordinator, and Darrell Dahlman, Pacific Ministries President are hosting this discussion and prayer gathering at Word of His Grace in Bothell.

As you can see, Washington is pregnant with a fresh revelation of Christ Jesus and Oregon is pregnant with the mantle to overthrow the spirit of Jezebel. I know that British Columbia has been in travail over the sins of the land and very near birthing an unprecedented move of God, but I do not know the current prophetic words spoken over the Province. Fathering is a key word. God is speaking Life to us and the kingdom of darkness is vehemently opposing this. Our adversary would like to abort or cause miscarriage to keep these things from coming forth. Or he would like to drain out the life of these things once they begin to function and flourish.

I believe one possible way that this can be accomplished is through an earthquake/tsunami disaster beyond the time and degree that the Lord would measure in His work of judgment upon His adversaries and shaking the Church out of it's complacently. The door that allows the spirit of death to operate in our territory is still open, but many have been bringing it toward closure with repentance and intercession. Washington state was the first state to legislate a degree of abortion by demand and Oregon is the only state with a Physistian Assisted Suicide Law legislated by the people in the United States. These laws that embrace death have SELF WORSHIP at the roots. I have attached an interesting article entitled Jezebel's Affliction by Kriston Couchey.

Todd Bentley's "The Set Time" regarding warning of earthquake as God's judgment upon His adversaries and my article "Clarion Call to Avert West Coast Disaster" posted on are not in conflict by cause us to seek the Lord for the wisdom of His ways and the ability to stand against the wiles of the devil. I believe Jezebel wants to "seal the vineyard" once again.

There is a need for corporate discussion to raise up a corporate strategy and anointing that is from God and not man. Darrell Dahlman has been seeking the Lord regarding the words released in Oregon and has been hearing from Him and has posted reports of the latest direction from the Lord on Complete transcripts of Dec. 2003 meetings are also posted there.

Darrell will be sharing with us on June 4 as well as Joe McIntyre who has extensive history and insight regarding the territorial spirit of Jezebel.

The bases of discussions will be on prophetic words regarding the Northwest (Oregon)Territory or Cascadia, especially focused on the following key words given by Chuck Pierce and Dutch Sheets in December 2003 while on 50 State Tour in WA and OR: Pregnant with fresh revelation of Christ Jesus AND mantle to overthrow Jezebel.
Chuck Pierce began on the evening of Dec. 14 at Sonrise Chapel in Everett after the sound of many shofars were released with this sentence:
"I would say to you there is a great harvest in the midst of this State, and I am about to put an urgency and a passion in my people."
About 3/4 of the way through Chuck's talk he says, "One of the reasons that the West Coast is important, at the beginning of the year (2003), the Lord said, 'I start blowing My revival wind from the west' He said, "so this year, you prepare the way for the wind, and then next year the wind will blow.' I knew at that point the Lord was saying all the way up California, and then I saw something, from N. California, through Oregon, up through Washington, all the way into Vancouver, B.C. I've never shared this before. I saw something, it was couldn't see what was under you. It was like you had one level of foundation, but your foundation wasn't deep enough. And especially from N. California on. And the Lord said, 'There's a new wave coming.' And I said, Lord, what's the wave? And He said, "It will be both a wave of evil, that will try to effect that region, but it's also a wave of my Spirit.' and He said, 'They've not built the foundation in that area to handle the wave.' And then I woke up and I actually saw a wave. I saw water hitting, and you weren't capable of dealing with the wave of the Spirit that God was going to bring in days ahead. So the Lord said, 'You declare that the wind, that will produce the wave will begin, but you pave the way for it. And then you declare that the foundation that needs to be built for what is ahead, be built from N. California through Vancouver, B.C. and it is just really clear, up in that area, up there. There is just such a heart of God for one of the key awakenings and outpourings of the Spirit of God for this region. It will shake this entire continent. NOW HERE ME! What God wants to do from N. California up through Vancouver, B.C. will shake this continent!"

Please RSVP to me as soon as possible. Thank you.

Burdell J. Austin
USSPN WA State Coordinator
9509 N. Cedarvale Lp. Road
Arlington, WA 98223


Location and directions

Word of His Grace Church and Training Center

Pastor Joe & Pam McIntyre
E-mail Address(es):
18706 North Creek Parkway Suite 104
Bothell WA 98011
Phone: 425-424-3801
Fax: 425-424-3914

I-5 take I-405 to exit 24 go east on NE 195th Street, right on N. Creek Parkway

Turn left into entrance of N. Creek Parkway Center that is past the Allstate building on right.

Go to end, building on right.

Sunday, May 08, 2005

May Update for Pacificministries

Dear Friends of PacificMinistries,

Almost seven years ago, I was meditating on Psalm 46.

God is our refuge and strength,an ever-present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear, though the earth give way and the mountains fall into the heart of the sea, though its waters roar and foam and the mountains quake with their surging. There is a river whose streams make glad the city of God, the holy place where the Most High dwells. God is within her, she will not fall; God will help her at break of day. Nations are in uproar, kingdoms fall; he lifts his voice, the earth melts. The LORD Almighty is with us; the God of Jacob is our fortress...."Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted in the earth."

The Holy Spirit began to highlight several thematic phrases which eventually became a song: Be Still. The writer of Psalm 46 begins with a declaration of trust and confidence in God, despite trouble, natural disaster, and nations in an uproar. I believe the Lord interrupts with his own quiet voice to remind us to "still" ourselves. Needless to say, I have sung that song often.

There have been many prophetic words spoken from well-respected national personalities concerning both the pain and promise of God's coming judgment and mercy. It is in all our hearts desire to remain confident in God's promise to be our refuge and strength. Our job is to rest. Our calling is to be still; and remind ourselves that he is God and He will be exalted among the nations and in the earth. Our confidence does not rest in our ability to accurately discern the times or seasons. Our confidence and trust remains solely in our ability to rest.

Some years ago, the band Delirious wrote a song entitled: Find Me In The River. Following is a portion of their lyrics:

Find me in the river...Find me on my knees

I've walked against the water Now I'm waiting if you please

We've longed to see the roses...But never felt the thorns

And bought our pretty crowns....But never paid the price

Find me in the river....Find me there

Find me on my knees with my soul laid bare

Even though you're gone and I'm cracked and dry

Find me in the river, I'm waiting here.....

This Sunday evening at 6:00, you'll find a group of people who are hungry and thirsty for an encounter with Jesus. We do not have a full understanding of what God is doing... but we are declaring our dependence and resolve to "Be Still and Know... He is God."

You are invited to join us.


Friday, April 22, 2005

Storm over Portland before the proclaimation

Sunday, April 17, 2005


Michael A. Danforth
Apr 14, 2005

There is a poetic generation that is coming forth in this present hour more than any other time in history. These poetic people carry detailed expressions of the Father's heart. They are interior decorators of the body of Christ. They have an enlarged heart that was given to them through the breath of God. This increase of breath enables them to broaden the understanding of those who still look upon the kingdom of God through a mirror ever so darkly.

Their visions come from the inside out. They speak from the secret places of the most high. They know what it is to abide under the shadow of the Almighty. They cry out with a high language that graphically details the Father's love toward his bride. To be a poet means that you are able to communicate with high beauty of thought or language. It means that you have enough detailed imagination to artistically manifest your thoughts creatively to those around you. The beauty of your words reveals the hidden treasures that lie beneath the shallowness of mediocre living.

As a poetic bride you are motivated with a passionate zeal that continually burns with a longing to be more like Him day by day. Your continual exposure to His glorious presence further clothes you with an eternal identity that was given you before the foundations of the world.

There are wonderful new sounds of the kingdom of God being declared in the earth right now. These sounds are ushering in a new paradigm of the glory of God. Our journey from glory to glory is taking us from hearers, to doers, to becomers. We hear for the purpose of doing and we do for the purpose of becoming. The hearing of others is for the soul purpose of getting you to hear for your self. Under the new covenant, the prophetic movement in the land was never meant to be a mediator between you and God. It was specifically designed to speak the heart of God with such force and accuracy that as a son or daughter you will not settle for anything less than hearing the voice of God for yourself.

The Bible tells us, "faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God (Romans 10:17). Faith is not what you can't see but what you can see. In other words, when you hear the word of God, you receive an image of what you cannot see in the natural but can see by the spirit. This is not a new age concept but an old one. The action of your faith towards that which you are believing to manifest in the flesh, is the beginning of your doing. James tells us, "if anyone is a hearer of the word and not a doer, he is like a man who looks at his natural face in a mirror; for once he has looked at himself and gone away, he has immediately forgotten what kind of person he was. (James 1:23-24) This word "doer", poites (poy-ay-tace'), means, performer, specifically a "poet".

This text of Scripture is really speaking about spiritual perception. If your primary reflection of yourself stems from the natural realm and not of the spirit then you will quickly loose sight of your true identity. Your identity goes much deeper than the outward shell of your existence. If all you see is the surface of what God is doing in your life, then you will quickly forget who or what you really look like. The poetry of a doer is much more detailed than the outward makeup of his or her surroundings. The character of a poet is one of careful examination recognizing the true value that lies beyond the natural perception of interpretation. One of the strongest characteristics of this present poetic generation is the need for self-examination.

David cried, "Examine me. O Lord, and try me; test my mind and my heart (Ps 26:2)." You cannot examine the affections of God's heart with out entering into the need to be examined as well. You know that the accuracy of description toward the one you love is totally reliant upon your own heart and mind being proved by God. This is where the poet goes from being a doer to a be-comer. On the basis of his deepest desire to search out the hidden things of God, he slowly becomes what he hears the Father speaking and doing.

This is the place where many things become one thing, one longing, and one desire. David said, "One thing I have desired of the Lord, that will I seek: that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, to behold the beauty of the Lord, and to inquire in His temple (Ps 27:4)." This poetic generation will lead the body of Christ into seeking after one thing, the beauty of the Lord. There are many things out there in the church and in the world, that are being sifted into one clear picture of what God has purposed for all of humanity. We seem to be busy at so many things without ever coming closer to the one thing that we were destined for, to behold Him in the beauty of His sanctuary.

Many are called, but few are chosen to be poets in this present generation. We are called to articulate a rhythm and rhyme by the spirit of God that reveals the kingdom of God on earth, just as it is in heaven.