Wednesday, January 06, 2010

Dear Friends,

Dear Friends,

Carlene and I want to wish you and yours the best in 2010.  Many of us have experienced extremes of promises fulfilled and joy-producing trials.  But we know difficulties are simply opportunities for God to do his best work in us.  So we rejoice because either way, we win!

In 2009, with trips to Mongolia, China, Korea, Japan, Kenya, and Singapore I brought encouragement to leaders and believers.  Often during these gatherings I have encouraged them to view the Scripture as not only doctrine, but as a narrative Love Letter to us, His bride. Our lives are a romance story of His grace and unfailing patience and yet God has a wonderful sense of humor and creatively  speaks to us through everyday objects and events...if we take notice.  

Last week, I was at a coffee shop and opened the the local paper to see an advertisement for a bank where the obvious message is the miraculous and transforming power...of a loan.

The ad needs no interpretation.  By the way, (less the glasses) this  is exactly what I looked like in the 60s and early 70s...right down to the slick swept back haircut and black narrow tie.

I believe this is might be a prophetic word for all of us. This year, you (insert your name) will learn your life story is a romance novel.  Authored by Jesus and for His Glory.

This we know and understand without question: the cry for intimacy and prophetic intercession is growing.  We are the object of God's love and passion.  This year we begin Worship at the River with a sense of expectancy and knowledge we are living in the end times and our lives are His-story.  We invite you to Worship at the River at 6 p.m. this Sunday, at the Troutdale Community Center January 10, 2010.

Bless you this year, and may you discover God-surprises in the most common and unlikely places.

Darrell and Carlene