Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Final from Japan
Thank you for praying for this beautiful country...and for the Lord's grace, leadership, and protection . Before I began this trip, several friends gathered to ask the Lord how to pray for Japan. In fact, many of you have asked the same question. What follows is a crafted prayer based on what we collectively heard from the Lord. I am a big fan of listening and crafting such prayers, and when I shared this prayer with the people of Japan, all of them bore witness to the fresh revelation and peace it brought to their hearts. Please join us in continuing to pray for Japan.
The Lord gave me an assignment in obedience to the prayer, and the following 2 minute video is the result.
Bless you,
Crafted prayer for Japan and the Earth’s Plates
The following prayer is crafted by Don Howard; a geologist; regarding the
potential of an earthquake on the West Coast of the USA.
Thank you Lord for this beautiful planet that You have made for us. Just like us, You have made it to grow and develop and change. Lord, we applaud Your thoughtfulness and Your design. You have directed that we have authority and dominion over the Earth [Psalm 8], and have charged us to be good stewards of it [Gen, 9:1-11]. We want to bless that design. You have said that it is good, and we come into agreement with your assessment. We ask You to watch over it and keep it working as You designed it to work. We speak to the [tectonic] plates and ask that they slide smoothly beside and upon each other. We come against anything that would block that motion and interrupt their smooth functioning.
Lord, we acknowledge and repent for the mistakes that we have made in being responsible stewards of our planet. Thank you Lord for educating us and showing us how Your creation operates.
Let Japan acknowledge You created their land, and may they respond to the grace and divine favor You desire to pour, like healing oil, over the land. You promised if we would seek Your Face, and humble ourselves and would heal our land. [2 Choronicle 7:14]
Saturday, April 16, 2011
Japan 2
Thank you for praying for Japan. Yesterday during worship I noticed the speaker stands beginning to sway as we began to experience a series of aftershocks. This is not entirely unusual but it was certainly different for me. I began to look for a safe place to protect myself. Most of the people continued to worship with passion. For many years I have sung Be Still and Know..... But never in the middle of an actual earthquake.
The Lord begin to speak to me that the safest place is in Him. I have much to learn.
The believers in Japan are trusting God for protection and strength. It is a joy to worship with them during this time of shaking.
Many believers are experiencing an openness to the gospel in Japanese pre-Christians. It is a joy to encourage comfort and strengthen the church in Japan.
Tomorrow I leave for the island of Okinawa for three days and then visit the damaged areas North of Tokyo and will hope to encourage workers as well as displaced people who have lost all they own.
Bless you
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
Japan 1
I have meetings the first three days in Tokyo and then will travel to see some of the devastated regions.....then Okinawa. Our son Matthew will be returning from Afghanistan on Thursday afternoon and Carlene will greet him as he arrives.
This entire nation is on edge. Everyone is trying to just continue with life but there is a palatable sense of uneasiness and fear of the unknown. I believe my primary assignment is to declare to the nation the goodness and mercy of God. I have told many that thousands of believers in America and around the world are praying for them.
Pray specifically for:
grace and safety in all travel
wisdom and revelation for just the right words to bring comfort to the people that I speak to
mercy and grace for the nation of Japan.
You may know that, at the end of World War 2 many leaders in Japan called for missionaries to come and establish churches in the country devastated by atomic disaster. The nation of Japan faces another atomic disaster and we do not want to miss the open door to declare the goodness and love of the Father.
Bless you