Saturday, January 29, 2011

Worship at the River And News from Afghanistan

Carlene and I are often asked how Matthew is.  Sometimes we do not hear from him for several weeks and when we do it's only through Facebook chat.  A week ago we got to speak with him for just a few minutes and he described things as tense.  Today we received the official Marine newsletter and much to our surprise, Matthew is featured and quoted describing exactly what his combat engineering team has accomplished.  There are some photographs and comments from his commanders.  The article is entitled Outlaw Wrath.  This newsletter describes what Matthew and his fellow Marine's are accomplishing.  After Matthew, whose job is to clear and uncover any unexploded IED's, is quoted in the  article as saying, "I never stopped getting chills while I was out there working, but the training that the Marine Corps gives you helps a lot when trying to manage your fear... it was easy to clear my mind and be unafraid..."

These proud parents want you to know that it wasn't just Marine Corps training but intercessory support which brings angelic activity and heaven's resources for protection to Matthew and his team.

The title of the newsletter is: The Super Breed.  I see it as Super-natural.

If you'd like to send a note of encouragement to Matthew, Carlene will collect items and letters and sent as a package at our February 13 Worship at the River gathering.

We bless you and thank you for your prayers.

Thursday, January 06, 2011


Greetings to all in this new year 2011.

Three things we ask of you this Sunday:
1)  If you are coming to the potluck please show up before 5pm with your food to share so we can begin eating on time at 5pm.  
2)  Understand and bring Jesus with you.
3)  Come sometime before or by 6pm if you are not coming to the potluck.  We've fallen into a habit of not starting on time.  While we have Sundays available to us we really need to fellowship between 5pm and 6pm so we have the full opportunity for worship. 

Just before Christmas Darrell and I read a quote by Frank Viola.  He said, " Worship doesn't led us to Jesus Christ.  Jesus Christ leads us to worship."  During the holidays Darrell and I discussed this statement with ourselves and others.  

Some of you may remember our "dime" story.  Well, this morning I woke up with new revelation from the Holy Spirit about these dimes.   We found one dime everyday for 17 days straight in strange locations.  The 17 dimes represented, (and here is the new revelation), the 17 years we practiced choosing worship songs for the congregation to sing.  We would often hear: "Darrell lead us into worship".  We, and I'll speak only for Darrell and myself, enjoyed the affirmation and applause that came with a well produced musical presentation leading people to Jesus.  For 17 days in a row we found one dime.  Then on the 18th day we didn't find one.  
But on the 19th day we found two.  twodimes.gifDuring that time Dave Olsen was teaching us to ask questions and practice listening to the Holy Spirit.  "What do you hold in your hands?"  We said, "Two dimes. Twenty cents.  A-pair-of-dimes....paradigm!"   

For seven years now we have practiced in our Worship at the River gatherings what it means for God to lead us into this "paradigm shift" in the way we think and express Jesus leading us to worship.  Darrell and I are still trying to let God, in Bob Jones' prophetic word over us, "pulverize our brains" in how we come together to corporately worship.   Please come and bring  that which leads you to worship Jesus through your testimony, psalm, song, tongue, interpretation and praise and thanksgiving of God's love. 

Don't forget the dimes.....and be on time,  

Darrell and Carlene